Each member is entitled to borrow up to 6 toys for a 3-week period.
These can be renewed once only, either at the Toy Library or via the online member portal for a further three weeks, though we ask that you do not renew toys that you have borrowed from the New Toys shelf.
You must count the number of pieces for each toy before borrowing and ensure that the item is either complete or matches the details in our toy registry, MiBase (alerts to pieces already missing etc.). If there are any pieces missing let the duty person know, so that they can update MiBase. If not, you will be held liable for the missing piece upon return of the toy.
When returning the borrowed toys, the member must ensure that they are clean and complete. If any damage has been caused during the borrowing period, the toy will be placed with a note on the repairs desk, and a committee member will reach out to you about the level of fine that will be issued. For clearly minor damage that is easy to deal with immediately (e.g., sticky tape to the box lid or excessive teeth marks that reduce the value of the toy but do not require repair), the roster duty member may choose to issue a minor damage fine and return the toy directly to the shelf.
Each toy must be re-counted upon return to ensure that no pieces have gone missing during the borrowing period. If there are, please notify the duty person in order that the missing piece/s can be noted in MiBase and a fine entered.
Once the toys have been counted you are responsible for returning them to the correct shelf for that toy category.
The toy library has a system whereby members incur a fine for overdue toys, missing pieces and non-attendance at a roster. This system exists to encourage members to use the toy library properly, ensuring that all members are supported during rosters and toys are made available for borrowing at regular intervals.
Fine Type | Charge |
Overdue Toys | One weeks' grace then $2/wk per toy (to a daily max of $20) |
Lost Pieces | $5/piece (to a daily max of $20) - refunded if found & returned |
Roster Non-attendance | $20 per non-attendance (when no attempts made to swap) |
Minor Toy Damage | $5 / toy (to a daily max of $20) |
Major Toy Damage | $20 or negotiated based on repair cost of expensive items |
Depreciated value of toy | $20 for really old toys, replacement price for new toys, negotiated in between |
A certain amount of wear and tear is expected, but members are responsible for damage or loss.
Examples of ‘Minor toy damage’ include a puzzle piece that can be sticky taped, a cracked box lid that can be sticky taped, or teeth marks/paint chipped beyond general wear & tear.
‘Major toy damage’ is when a repair is required.