Fees are due and payable upon initially joining the library and on your yearly anniversary of joining the library. 

Membership Types Annual Fee Number of Toys Number of Rosters Number of Busy-bees Loan Period
Standard $72 6 4 2 21 days
Concession * $42 6 4 2 21 days
Non-Duty ** $144 6 0 2 21 days
Casual ($100 Bond payable) $15 / month 6 0 0 21 days
Family Daycare $180 10 0 2 77 days
Committee $24 6 4 2 21 days
Roster Coordinator $36 6 12 2 21 days

*  Concession rates for current concession card holders ** Numbers are limited - please enquire with Membership Coordinator 

Should you wish to resign at any time, please ensure that all toys are returned to the Toy Library, any outstanding fines are paid and that you notify the committee via email:

Remember also that membership fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

For further information on our membership types please contact us via email:


All standard, concession and committee members must nominate themselves for at least 4 roster duty shifts per year. This is best done via our online member log-in.

We aim to have at least 2, if not three, members on roster duty at any one time. 

Once you have learned the system, you will become a 'Roster Coordinator' and you will be able (and expected) to nominate yourself for the lead roster position - this is the person who will arrive 15 min early, opens up the building, and sets up ready to serve the rest of our membership base.

We have a closed Facebook group which we strongly encourage all members to be a part of - this is where you can ask for someone to swap roster times with you if you have a change in circumstances.

If you do not complete 4 shifts per year, or if you do not turn up on your rostered day, you will incur a $20 fine per missed roster.